Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management (EM) at the University of Maryland supports over 50,000 incoming applications, over 60,000 incoming emails, and over 150,000 phone calls per year.
EM manages hundreds of outgoing email campaigns, events, and tours culminating in bringing the Maryland experience to over 60,000 visitors a year. To manage this demand, EM has used several separate, disparate, homegrown, and vended solutions.
By moving these functions onto a single CRM, stakeholders will have a 360 degree view of prospective, admitted, and confirmed students, increasing the support and yield of student engagement with the University of Maryland.
Project Goals & Impact
To use one system to support Enrollment Management's internal as well as Undergraduate Admissions' and Financial Aid's needs, including those met with the current CRM and those met by other solutions or unmet: prospect management, territory management, mass email, social media management, events management, Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), and others.
The unified CRM allows EM to calculate ROI on travel engagement, events, and communications strategies. Using a single system for EM’s work improves the unit's responsiveness with prospects.