Advising Case 
A record of all advising-related data, such as Advising Notes and advising appointments, pertaining to a particular student. It is also sometimes referred to as an “Advising Record.” You will find multiple types of Cases in TerpEngage, some of which are used to track non-advising related support services such as IT Help Desk tickets. Look for the words “Advising Case” to distinguish it from other cases. More information about Cases can be found here.
Advising Note 
A descriptive summary of what occurred during a meeting or interaction between an advisor and an advisee in relation to their academic success at the university. Advising Notes are written by advisors to represent a student’s historical advising record, which enables another person to continue providing advising or take over a student’s Advising Case.
The online collaboration space where advisees go to connect with their Success Teams and schedule appointments with advisors. We commonly refer to Community as the “Student Portal.”
A record that holds academic or personal data about a person (typically students and advisors). You can think of Contacts as a sort of electronic rolodex of people in TerpEngage.
List View
A number of records organized in a list. Changing List Views changes which records are shown on the screen. For example, you can select a List View to view a list of Advising Cases assigned to you.
Program Enrollment 
Sourced from UMD’s data warehouse, this is information about academic programs an advisee is enrolled in (e.g., Primary Major / Double Major / Minor / Certificate, etc).
Success Team 
A team of people (Users) serving in advising roles for an advisee.
The Activities Panel
A window showing many different TerpEngage elements, including an individual’s appointments and tasks, along with emails sent to a student through the TerpEngage system. The Activities Panel is usually shown in a large window on the right side of your screen.
Someone involved in day-to-day advising in TerpEngage who is typically assigned to Success Teams. Users who have been given permission to access TerpEngage are able to login.