Primary Tabs / Sub-Tabs

Primary tabs appear in the white bar across the top of your screen to the right of the “Advisor Link” text. Note that “Sally Student” in the example above is the currently selected tab, as indicated by the red line.
Each primary tab can have sub-tabs, which appear directly under the bar of primary tabs. Note that Sally Student’s Advising Case is the currently selected sub-tab, as indicated by the red shading.
Click on any primary tab to view its related sub-tabs.
Refreshing or Pinning Tabs

Click the down arrow on the right side of a tab (shown by the blue box in the above image) to be able to refresh or pin it.
Pinning a tab keeps it open even if you exit/log out of TerpEngage, which can be helpful if you find yourself revisiting the same pages in TerpEngage.
It is a good idea to periodically refresh your open tabs to ensure you are viewing the most recent data. Refreshing your browser will accomplish this, as well.

Favorites are found in the upper-right corner of the screen as shown in the picture above.
Saving a tab to Favorites creates a shortcut to it, which can be accessed from almost anywhere within TerpEngage. You may favorite any page in TerpEngage, including student records or frequently used reports.
To save a tab to Favorites, click the star shown in the picture above.
To access your list of Favorites, click the down arrow next to the Favorites star.