Requesting A Major Change
Enter the TerpEngage portal and select the "Major Change" link in the top menu. From the drop-down menu, you can submit a new major change request or view any open requests.

The major change form will prompt you to either change your current major or add an additional major.
- To change your major, you must select the major that you wish to drop.
- To add a new major, you will be asked to confirm is your are adding a double major or double degree.

On the next screen, you will find the options for your new major request. Select your preferred program from the drop down menu. Also, provide your expected graduation term and year. t

If you have requested to add a major, on the next screen, you will be prompted to designate which major is your primary one.

There is a final screen to confirm their request before proceeding.

Viewing Open Requests And/Or Tasks
Within the TerpEngage portal, students can view any open requests with their statuses, understand how old the request is, and see if there are any tasks to complete.

By selecting a Case Plan, you can see associated tasks or cancel a request.

By selecting a task, you can view additional information, upload documents (if required), or mark the task as complete.

When an "Incomplete" turns into a "Withdraw"
When a task is pending and requires action, the case plan will be marked as "Incomplete." After two weeks, students will receive reminder emails indicating that their required action has not been completed. They will continue to receive reminder emails every week thereafter. The final reminder will be sent on the 59th day of the incomplete task, and on the 60th day, the case plan will be withdrawn.
If a withdrawal occurs, do not attempt to change the status back to "Incomplete" or "In Progress." Instead, a new case must be created, and the process will need to start over. Failing to do so will result in the TerpEngage community not accurately reflecting the current status of the case, which may lead to lost progress.